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Vietnam petrochemical projects cool room strengthening
Project basic information
Project Time: Jun 2023.
Project area: Hochimin, Vietnam (Civil building)
Main applied materials
1. Carbon fiber fabric >>Knew more
2. Crack injection adhesive >>Knew more
3. Crack repair adhesive >>Knew more
4. FRP Impregnating adhesive >>Knew more
5. Primer adhesive >>Knew more


The cool room of a petrochemical project was designed to store and preserve a variety of petrochemical products at a consistent temperature. The cool room needed to be constructed using materials that were strong, lightweight, and provided excellent thermal insulation properties. Traditional construction materials like steel and concrete were considered, but they did not offer the necessary combination of properties. Instead, carbon fiber sheets or carbon fiber fabrics were chosen as the primary construction material for the cool room.

Design Analysis:

Carbon fiber sheets are an ideal material for constructing cool rooms in petrochemical projects due to their strength, lightweight, flexibility, and thermal insulation properties. The cool room was designed using layers of carbon fiber sheets that were bonded together to create a strong, rigid structure. The design of the cool room was based on the American Concrete Institute's Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures (ACI 440).


In conclusion, the use of carbon fiber sheets or carbon fiber fabrics in the construction of the cool room of a petrochemical project provided several key benefits. The strength, lightweight, flexibility, thermal insulation properties, and resistance to corrosion of the carbon fiber sheets or fabrics made them the ideal material for constructing the cool room. The design of the cool room using carbon fiber sheets or fabrics helped to improve the efficiency and longevity of the cool room, which is critical for maintaining the quality of the petrochemical products stored inside. Overall, the use of carbon fiber sheets or carbon fiber fabrics in the construction of the cool room was a successful and effective choice for the petrochemical project.

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